Wednesday, February 12, 2014


I saw this on one of those stupid time-wasters on facebook the other day... OK, it's all a time-waster. But this one may come in handy.

I am continually struggling with getting pictures of my finished projects. Especially sweaters. When I find someone willing to take the picture, they cut off half the sweater. Or photograph me with my eyes closed. Or take the picture out of focus, or with a garbage can in the background, or my horribly wrinkly neck, or a multitude of other sins.

This tip allows you to take your own pictures, from far enough away that you are not limited to the lengths and contortions of your own arms.

You'll need a set of headphones with the built-in controls (the kind that come with your iPhone). Plug them into your iPhone or iPad, and prop the device up at a suitable level.

The plus on the headphones is your shutter button.

Choose the camera setting that allows you to see yourself, strike your best pose with the hand holding the headphones out of range, and shoot!

The reverse camera is much lower quality than the regular camera and gives a pretty grainy image, but it is better than nothing! At least you have something to put on your Ravelry project page. Obviously, I cannot guarantee that you will look any better than when an unsympathetic child takes the photo. The problem, of course, is that you have no one to blame but yourself.


  1. You can always take another picture before you publish. If get a phone like mine (Samsung Galaxy S4) you say "cheese" and it takes the picture.
