Saturday, June 7, 2014

juneathon week one

A little round-up of my progress so far, which I have been faithfully tweeting. Paige mentioned running poetry a few days ago and now I find myself composing little poems to pass the time while I try not to feel sorry for myself and how out of shape I am at the moment.

Thursday's haiku:
Running in the rain
Soft susurration on leaves
Sets a gentle pace.

Yes, I admit it, I was particularly proud of using the word susurration in a poem.

Friday's ditty:
Ran 1.5 miles,
And walked for one.
Not a large total,
But got it done.

Saturday's limerick:
An out of shape runner from Jersey,
After winter who felt like a Guernsey.
Juneathon came along
She ran all month long,
And then I couldn't come up with a rhyme for jersey in my misery of trying to run 4 miles to the ballfield to catch the second half of Terzo's baseball game. Running to a place that I had to get to, with no option of cutting the run short or turning around, was my only hope of getting some miles in this morning.

Total for first week of Juneathon:
Miles run: 16.5
Miles walked: 1.25
Poems composed: 2.8
New mantra:

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