Friday, April 6, 2012

farm friday

Farm business, unfortunately, tends to get put on the back burner all too often. Sometimes the reason is the farm itself. When we are busy attending new mothers and bottle-feeding babies, that's all we have time for. Most of the time, however, it is just everything else in life.

With Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival looming on the not-so-distant horizon, I declared a few weeks ago that every Friday was to be Farm Friday (mostly because I am such a sucker for alliteration). The business of the farm was going to take priority on that day.

Of course, every Friday thereafter had some emergency or another that kept me from doing just that. My "to do" list grew longer and longer; the time I have to get the farm's product up to fiber festival levels is dwindling.

Except for today! Paradoxically, with all the boys home for the first day of spring break, I somehow managed to spend the entire day hacking my way through mountains of farm paperwork. I got an amazing amount done, and best of all, at the end of the day, there was time to finish up a little farm project prototype that has been knocking around in my brain—and sitting halfway done on my workroom floor—since December.

It is drying now, and I am eagerly waiting to see how it turns out. I will share the results, good, bad or ugly, tomorrow... barring any lamb deliveries!

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