Thursday, January 29, 2015


As usual on my days at home... a time to get things back in order, as much as possible, while trying to get some paid work done as well. Today included enjoying a tiny bit of time with my eldest son, who is home on a brief winter break after finishing his exams. He spent that time working on filing his tax returns, which I am proud to say he did all by himself, despite many a furrowed brow. This parenting gig may yet produce a fully-functioning adult.

My latest class project is finished and seamed! The knitting group here in town has worked their way through knitting, purling, seaming, following a pattern, and knitting in the round. Now they are begging for cables, so here is what I came up with. The inaugural class will be next week.

I just posted a picture of the headband on facebook and it is getting good reviews. I probably need to think about publishing the pattern, but first I need a few more pictures. I grabbed this one with my iPhone and the ever-patient shop owner so I could advertise the class, but I'll have to find time for a few more.

Speaking of knitting classes, they are going so well that it was time to restock those baskets. It is a challenge, holding the classes in a shop that doesn't sell yarn. My solution has been to have kits available for each class, with all the supplies necessary to make the project. A basket per class, to help me keep it organized.

I don't require people to buy the kits. BUT, and it's a big but... it is hard to guarantee the success of a project when the yarn is an unknown quantity, which I found out the hard way when I started these classes. The most difficult situation yet was a beginner knitter who brought in black yarn. Never occurred to me to mention that black yarn was not a good idea, because it is so difficult to see the stitches. Now I have a list of forbidden yarn qualities, which also includes anything boucle.

Yarn substitution is a very tricky business; it is one of those things that only becomes obvious with enough trial and error and sometimes even failure. All of my beginner classes so far are project-based and I want people to finish with something they are happy with so they are encouraged to keep knitting. The only way I can game the system is to try and nudge people towards a yarn that I know will work, all other things being equal, when of course they are most decidedly not. The knitter provides enough variables, in tension and gauge and patience and style.

In addition to the simple joy to be found in unpacking and arranging beautiful yarn, relatively guilt-free because it isn't yarn for me, it's for the business, I had an assistant a presence while I worked. Even if she was forced to sleep with needles poking her in the butt.

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