Monday, August 31, 2009

the color of the weekend... tomato red.

Saturday all kitchen burners were occupied with something other than wool.


Our haul was slightly less than last year: 26 pints (actually, 13 quarts because these boys are starting to eat like horses). Given the weather conditions, I am happy we managed to get this much.


We had a bit of a discussion about whether or not we were canning earlier or later than last year, until Primo declared we needed to "check the blog"! Lo and behold, it was exactly the same time. Since this is now serving as a journal of my life, I am hereby reminding myself to OIL THE PRESSURE COOKER RUBBER RING FIRST. This will make no sense to anyone but my father, and it's really boring and not worth explaining, but you'll have to take my word for it that my lack of memory presents a frustrating delay just when we are ready to be done with the whole process.

I got the burners back on Sunday, and made up for lost time, with completely different stock pots I should add. (Seems like I spend all my time peering into steaming stock pots these days, which hopefully is doing good things for my complexion.)


Colorway "Jersey Tomato" in Coopworth roving.



  1. Excellent! Truly an amazing haul on the tomatoes given the blight. You da fahrmer!

    (p.s. dad is always right....)

    Mrs. C

  2. wow! Did you use tomato juice for the dye?

  3. me again...just read the rest of blog : )
    Where did you get the hay from?? I need to get some.
    I did get some very cheap bedding hay @$1/bale. Let me know if you are interested.

    P.S. I like the ball the most. GREAT job on the colors. I saw an Iranian movie where they showed the grandma and kids collecting wild flowers to dye their wool. Yours look just like that.

    btw, we got great wool from your girl Holly.
