Sunday, March 7, 2010

move it out march progress: part 1

Thought I would share my progress. The following items are G-O-N-E from my house:
  1. cloth diapers and diaper covers (freecycle)
  2. french horn (person we borrowed it from two years ago)
  3. half-built K'nex set (kid in 4-H who loves K'nex)
  4. homeschool books and supplies (craigslist)
  5. cat toys and treats for cat we don't have any more (shelter)
  6. scanner (freecycle)
  7. five bags of bubble wrap and styrofoam peanuts (craigslist)
  8. dog bed (freecycle)

(Geez, it seemed like a lot more as I was hauling it out...) This list does not count the pick-up bed full of trash that went to the dump, nor the trunk full of miscellaneous items that went to the church rummage sale.

And the biggest one of all (which did not go to another home, but was pretty spectacular all the same):

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That's right, all that pink countertop is done. And the kitchen now looks like this,

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and we are eating a lot of take-out. Which of course is just fine by me, but my kids are finding themselves in the unanticipated position of actually missing my cooking.


  1. Wow! We had a big house cleanout awhile ago, but an awful lot of it ended up in the garage... I am deeply impressed with your kitchen progress as well.

  2. wooohooo! I still have your wedding slip from your Milford garage sale. It's in Sophie's dress up box!

    mrs. c

  3. nice : ) are you putting marble/granite down?
