Thursday, May 1, 2014

this weekend

I am officially at the point where I am firmly convinced that there is no way I will finish everything I need to do before I have to leave at noon (at the latest) tomorrow for the Maryland Sheep & Wool Festival this weekend.

I have passed beyond the stage where I think I have enough time. That was Tuesday.

I am over cursing having to go into work and spend nine-plus hours away from home, when I could have made such good use of that time. That was yesterday.

I am past making schedules broken down into 15 minute increments that prove beyond a doubt that I have enough time to finish it all, if I just stick to the schedule. That was today.

Now I am just thinking that I will work until I can't work any longer tonight, and really that's all I can do. I think that is resignation.

He wasn't super-thrilled about the pink.

My deadline tonight is Secondo's arrival home from his first-ever prom (yes, he is a freshman; she is a junior; yes, it is Thursday; yes, I know) and then I am done for the day.

Tomorrow will bring my truck packed full of something or another, one way or another, ready to hit the road south.

1 comment:

  1. You are going as crazy as I am with all the animals here. I am drowning in lambs!!! help. Lets connect when you are back and would love to trade an ewe lamb with you (if you are open). I have beautiful pure Shetlands as well as Borderleischter (sp?) and Shetland mix lambs. It has been a crazy lambing season. Have a great time as the show.
