The writing is already on the wall this year, or should I say, not on the wall. This should come as no surprise to anyone who has noticed a *ahem* tail-off in the frequency of posts. A bloggy reflection each day is not happening; no need to set myself up for certain failure. But I did still want to participate for the grounding benefits I received last year.

This year's advent word project is run by the Society of Saint John the Evangelist, a place that holds a special place in my heart because both boys dined at this monastery during their respective pilgrimages with church. It challenges participants to post just a picture each day. That may have been the challenge last year too and I probably just wasn't paying attention and made it harder than it had to be, as I have an unfortunate tendency to do.
I think I can manage a picture and perhaps a few words via Instagram and Facebook.
There I go making it harder again. My goal is a picture. JUST A PICTURE.
Today's word was look. As of last night, I was undecided on whether to take the challenge on, just one more thing in a long list of things. Maybe I would just read the word and do a little reflecting in my head. When I opened our front door to let the dog out first thing, however, this amazing view presented itself, and the words of my favorite Advent hymn popped unbidden into my head:
People, look east: the time is near.
Sometimes life is like that: the decision is made for you. Those types of decisions are usually for the best, anyway. I am still undecided about whether or not to put it here as well every day. Too much social media sharing-ness? Maybe that decision will be made for me tomorrow.