Monday, December 21, 2009

to play is to work, to work is to play

The boys -- including the dog but with the exception of my LSH -- were overjoyed with the 15 inches or so we got this weekend. They romped and played for hours upon end, until I came out to document the fun and discovered that Dusty's nether regions were now bedecked with snowberries.


The chunks of ice between his toes positively gave me the willies.


Though it didn't really seem to be bothering him all that much, the thought of it was bothering me and I decreed that he needed to come in and defrost for a while. We had to drag him in; it was the only way to get him to leave his post. He takes his boy-watching duties most seriously.


After a short time, he managed to gnaw/lick off the chunks between his front paws.


And once he was completely defrosted, he was back to doing what he loves the best: romping with his charges.
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To his way of thinking, it's the perfect combination of work and play.


  1. Thanks for the pictures, Kris! Everything looks so pretty! I had a collie when I was a kid and she would stay out in the snow for hours. I remember those ice balls between the toes!


  2. Our Springer Spaniels get them too. The have "bunny slippers" for feet. They get what we call bunny crisis.
    They lie down in the snow (brrr) and lick them off.
    Nice mess in the house.

  3. I love the look in on Dusty's face in the first picture! Looks like a typical teenager when you want them to stand still for a picture, OH MOM.
