Sunday, April 12, 2015

spring has sprung

All the signs are present: daffodils are blooming, grass is greening, and I am dyeing yarn and making dryer balls to get ready for Maryland Sheep and Wool Festival. Best sign of all: there is warm sun to dry things out. That certainly makes the process quite a bit easier, not to mention more pleasant.

The weekend was spent trying to make some progress with getting the new roving ready, though unfortunately I haven't made it to my second round of skirting fleeces yet. I will get there before Maryland and have them with me to be sold in the booth or go to the processor, I am determined!

Finally returned to my office chair after an afternoon/evening in the basement (actually the whole day, come to think of it) dyeing and weighing and found this on my desk chair:

Guess she figured that she would use it if I wasn't. Too bad I can't put her to work updated my long-neglected farm website.

1 comment:

  1. Enjoy your beautiful weather! You'll be ready for MDSW. Love the kitty, too. xo
