Sunday, July 6, 2008

tour de fleece '08

This fancy new button on my sidebar is testament that I have signed on to yet another commitment:

But this one is for me. I needed a kick in the butt to find time to spin. It's one of those things that I love to do, and want to do more of, but never seem to find the time. I figured the focus provided by the Tour de Fleece would help. I am setting my challenges one at a time, rather than a bunch of things that might plow me under.

First up is this dyed Coopworth roving I bought from Martha McGrath of Deer Run Sheep Farm, from the American Coopworth Registry booth at Maryland Sheep and Wool. (Volunteering in the booth gave me plenty of time to find a few things to add to my own stash.)


I have two purposes for this roving: as a sock yarn, so I am spinning it finer and tighter than my normal yarn, and as a display yarn at Rhinebeck this fall, hence the colors. I usually do not choose yarn in these colors. Blues, purples, pinks... those are more my speed. But I am loving seeing the sunny bright colors as they play out on the bobbin.

Here is the first one done, with apologies for the slight lack of focus. (I still haven't figured out how to get close up shots with this darn camera).


Unfortunately I am going to have to drop out of the Tour early, due to vacation plans. As much as I would love to sit and spin here:


...I know there will be absolutely no room for my non-folding wheel in a vacation loaded van.


  1. Hmmm... sounds like a good excuse for a new wheel to me. ;) Enjoy your vacation!

  2. Sounds like it's time for a spindle!

    Have a great trip~


  3. OOO, I like the color (and it's definatley NOT in my normal colorway of grey, brown and beige) NICE vacation spot...well, if you can't spin, you can always knit there (now that you have some lovely sock yarn) :)
