Exactly one month ago, our garden looked like this:
Lots of weeds, with dead tomato plants from last summer -- still in their wire cages -- to add vertical interest.
Life was off-the-charts crazy, I was behind on everything, and I couldn't possibly imagine how we were going to get a garden in.
I briefly considered not having a garden at all this year.
I quickly came to my senses after the obligatory wailing and gnashing of teeth.
I buckled down to getting the beds cleared, one at a time. It was eventually planted over the course of the last month, with the first things going in just before Memorial Day and the eggplant getting in the ground just two days ago.
One month later, the garden looks like a proper garden. The list in the sidebar has been updated to show all that's growing.
Last night we enjoyed the first fruits of our labors: three lovely yellow squash, sauteed in olive oil with onions.
Pretty amazing to go from the jaws of defeat to a tasty side dish in thirty days. That, in a nutshell, is why I couldn't imagine not having a garden.